Genealogical research in the Lucerne State Archives


If you wish to gain information on a specific family from the canton of Lucerne, unfortunately, the Lucerne State Archives cannot provide you with extensive research material due to time and staff limitations. Exceptions are short requests such as verifications of particular (birth, death or marriage) dates.

Microfilms of parish records (ca. 1600-1875) are available in our reading room in Lucerne, most of them are also online (fact sheeet, in German).

Furthermore, you may consult this website with genealogical questions:

Do you already know the Portrait Archive? 


For civil status and family registries the retention period is regulated on federal level. To access and inspect registers after 1924 an authorisation issued by the the department of municipalities (Abteilung Gemeinden) is needed.

The retention period for records containing information on persons is 100 years and 30 years for all other documents. An inspection authorisation issued by the Lucerne State Archives is necessary for any such recent documents.

Further literature