
Sources and research aids: in the 20th century

Please note that there are retention periods of 30 to 70 years on 20th century records (even 100 years on civil status registries). For viewing and use of such barred documents a request can be submitted.


  • Search the archival catalogue for the respective names. However, our records are not always fully indexed, a hit is therefore a matter of luck.
  • Search the protocol of the ‘Small Council’ in the register of persons for the respective names (copies of said protocols can be found on the first floor of our reference library)
  • Search the yearly and alphabetic registers of the cantonal magazines (library reference number J.a 1) for respective names. Specific references to emigrants are given with key words such as 
    - ‘Erbennachsuchungen’ (search for successors and beneficiaries of people who died abroad), 
    - ‘Verschollenerklärungen’ (declaration of missing persons), 
    - announcements and publications from other cantonal agencies, 
    - the respective names in the registry
  • Passport registry: the controls of passports of the 20th century were mostly destroyed, as their contained information was far lower than that of passport controls of the 19th century, which held information on reason for travel and Destination
Dates Agency / Region Reference
1851-1914 Statthalteramt Schüpfheim BF 43
1852-1915 Statthalteramt Sursee BF 44
1884-1915 Statthalteramt Willisau BF 45
1914-1915 Statthalteramt Hochdorf BF 46
1914-1915 Statthalteramt Luzern BF 47
1915-1959 kantonal BF 48 etc.


  • search the archival tectonics for further records on foreign military service (tectonics below AKT 44/389-470)
  • search the archival catalogue for key words such as ‘Auswanderer’ (emigrants) or ‘Auswanderungsakten’ (emigration records)
  • The index on overseas emigrations from Switzerland, 1910-1953 holds about 142’000 names and is located in the Swiss Federal Archives (reference number E2175-2), but can also be researched online (partially fee-based)


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Zusammenstellung der Unterstützungsbeiträge anlässliche der Auswanderungaktion 1937-1937 (AKT 44/465)
Compilation of support contributions on the occasion of the emigration campaign, 1937 (AKT 44/465)
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